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Representing Accident & Injury Victims

Handling Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation and Criminal Defense Cases


Atlanta Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer


The national organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving reports that someone in the United States is injured in a drinking-related accident every two minutes. Someone is killed in a drinking-related accident in the United States every 51 minutes. Shocking as those figures are, they’re worse still when you consider the facts closer to home in Georgia. In Georgia, 28% of all automobile accidents that cause someone’s death also involve alcohol and a drunk driver. Approximately 400 people die in Georgia — an average of more than one a day — die in drinking-related automobile accidents in Georgia every single year.

If you have been injured in a drinking-related accident, or if a loved one or family member has been injured or killed in a drinking-related accident, you and your family have important rights that you need to be aware of. The Atlanta car accident lawyers at Hines Law have experience and expertise in advising victims and families affected by drinking-related automobile accidents, and ensuring that they get all the benefits of their rights in the traumatic circumstances — no matter how time-sensitive and complicated asserting those rights can be. When the trauma of a drinking-related automobile accident strikes you or your family, trust Hines expertise and experience to protect your rights and those of your family.

What to Do After a Drunk Driving Accident

drunk driving accident lawyer

If you or a family member has been affected by an alcohol-involved automobile accident — whether injured (physically, emotionally, or psychologically), experienced pain, killed, sustained property damage of any kind, missed work or lost wages, incurred medical expenses, incurred out of pocket expenses, lost the support of a loved one or family member, etc. — you need the advice of an experienced and expert lawyer. Contact an Atlanta accident lawyer at Hines Law as soon as possible after receiving essential medical treatment. Nothing can replace a timely and careful conversation and consultation but, for now, here is a brief introduction to some of the information you need to know.

The Basics Of The Law Of DUI In Atlanta

Anyone who drives with blood alcohol content (BAC) over 0.08 g/ml of blood is deemed under Georgia law to be driving under the influence (DUI). Even if the driver’s BAC does not exceed that 0.08 threshold, they can be charged with a lesser but similar offense under the law. A driver who drives with BAC over 0.08 or under unsafely no matter what their BAC may be convicted of a crime and liable to pay damages to all victims of his or her crime.

As A Victim Of A DUI, What Are Your Rights?

Any person who suffers as the result of a DUI accident — including but not just the types of suffering mentioned above — has the right to file a lawsuit against the driver and anyone else who is responsible for or contributed to the driver’s illegal action. An example of a third party that might have contributed to or who can also be held responsible for your suffering? A restaurant or bar who served a driver even though they were already drunk.

At least one thing about Georgia’s DUI laws is clear — victims are entitled to compensation for their losses and suffering, and to punitive damages to punish drivers who dare to drive drunk on Georgia’s road and cause suffering amongst innocent families. In Georgia alcohol-related accident cases, there is no limit to possible punitive damages.

As clear as that is, there is considerable complexity in Georgia’s law, and no one should try to deal with the consequences of a DUI accident alone. The lawyers at Hines Law in Atlanta can help you, protect you, and ensure you receive all rights you are entitled to. Even the simplest DUI-related personal injury actions can be complex. Cases involving deaths, severe injuries, third parties, or unusual circumstances can be particularly challenging and stressful.

Review Your Claim With an Atlanta Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

Our team has experience in supporting and advocating for victims of drunk drivers. We have experience and resources necessary to handle a complex case involving a tragic death and complicated medical evidence. You may be entitled to significant remedies to recoup your losses, ensure your protection in the future, to recognize your pain and suffering, and to punish the criminal who caused the trauma to your family. Don’t face these issues alone, but contact our experienced, skilled, and compassionate lawyers to protect your family’s rights.

