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Austell Personal Injury Lawyer

Hines Law. Committed To Serving Our Clients And Providing The Best Representation Possible

Austell Personal Injury Lawyer

With a combined 60 years of experience, our personal injury attorneys work with heart, perseverance, and integrity. We understand that being harmed due to another’s negligence or careless behavior can have a life-altering impact. You may be dealing with severe physical injuries, financial challenges, and emotional stress as a result.

We have successfully represented hundreds of clients in Austell and the Atlanta, Georgia metro area, providing legal expertise in areas ranging from personal injury and workers’ compensation to criminal law. With a passion and a mission to help clients in need, we will work tirelessly on your case. And, you don’t have to pay us anything until we successfully resolve your claim.


Practice Areas | Austell Personal Injury Lawyer

We have handled many different types of personal injury cases and won millions for our clients. Some of these cases include:

Common Questions About Personal Injury Cases

When it comes to personal injury law, most people have little experience with it, other than what they’ve seen on television. That’s a good thing! No one wants to be injured due to someone else’s reckless actions or negligence.

However, if you have been in an accident or you’ve been harmed by a legally prescribed drug, it can be difficult to know what to do next.


Let’s address some of the most frequently asked questions about personal injury law:

Do I Really Need A Austell Personal Injury Attorney?

This question is one of the most common, and many victims mistakenly think that they don’t need a lawyer, especially if the damages “aren’t that bad.”

Let’s illustrate with an example of a car accident case. What many people forget to consider is that even a minor accident could result in long-term medical treatment. Often, you won’t know that this treatment is necessary in the immediate aftermath of an accident, especially if the property damage was superficial and your injuries, at first glance, seem minor.

The best course of action is to call an Austell personal injury Lawyer immediately after an accident. Your attorney will direct you to the proper medical professionals who understand personal injury cases and will work to provide you with immediate care as well as a plan for long-term care.

We offer a free consultation and case evaluation — and we never charge a penny unless we win. So it makes sense to contact us if you think you have a case. You could be entitled to a lot more money thank you think!

How Much Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

Once someone makes the correct decision to contact the Austell personal injury Lawyer at Law Offices of Matthew C. Hines, the next question we usually field is, “how much is my case worth?”

There are several factors that determine the compensation you could be eligible to receive, including your property damage, medical bills, and lost wages. However, there are also other considerations that can influence the value of a case. Perhaps the most influential factor is the medical records compiled by your doctor that show the seriousness and extent of your injuries.

In addition to treating your immediate needs, a doctor will evaluate whether you’ll need long-term care and how much it will cost. From there, our team will consider how much of an effect these injuries will affect other parts of your life, including your ability to earn an income and whether your injuries will compromise time spent with your family and spouse.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to assigning a dollar value to a case. Every situation is different, and there are even various calculations that lawyers, insurance companies, and the courts use to make these determinations.

What’s most important is that you get seen by a doctor right away, even if you think your injuries are minor. Having complete medical records in the immediate aftermath of an accident can greatly influence the outcome of your case.


What If I Don’t Have Medical Insurance?

Doctor’s visits can be expensive. Even co-pays can add up. If you don’t have insurance, you might be wary of racking up medical bills before you receive a settlement. However, if you are working with a personal injury attorney, you won’t pay anything out of pocket.

Instead, you’ll be able to see a doctor and get all necessary treatments, therapies, and prescriptions at no cost to you. Once the other party’s insurance company settles, part of the settlement will be used to pay the medical bills.

Therefore, please don’t let not having insurance deter you from getting the help you need. Not only is it imperative that you protect your health, but the examination records that you obtain after your accident can help protect your legal rights. If you have questions about how to proceed here, contact us at Austell personal injury team for more details, and we can advise you.

The Insurance Company Offered To Settle Right Away. That’s Good, Right?

Keep in mind that insurance companies are in the business of making money. In a nutshell, this means that they aim to pay out as little money as possible.

If you’ve received a quick settlement offer, it’s likely due to one of the following three reasons:

The insurance company is hoping you are desperate and will take any amount offered to get some money in your pocket. This is especially true if they know you are paying out-of-pocket for your medical expenses and you’re in a financial bind.
They know they owe you a lot more, but they’re hoping that you are so relieved to get a quick settlement that you’ll take it without asking any questions.
They expect you to negotiate, so they’re starting low to give themselves some wiggle room.

At Hines Law, we know every insurance company trick in the book. The best course of action is to consult with an Austell personal injury lawyer right away. We handle all correspondence and negotiations with the insurance company, so you don’t have to.

If you’ve already begun speaking with the other party’s insurance company, it’s not too late. We can evaluate your case for free and discuss the next steps to help you get a settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries.


Our Austell Attorneys Handle A Wide Range Of Personal Injury Cases

At Hines Law, we protect victims who have been harmed from the careless or reckless acts of another.

Drunk Driving Accidents

When an accident is caused by a drunk driver, there could be more than one person at fault. Sometimes, liability can be assigned to a club or restaurant, a company that employed the driver, and even the driver’s insurance company.

Car Accidents

An auto accident can be life-changing and lead to serious injury. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, it’s important to consult with an attorney right away. Even if the accident seems minor, you could be dealing with an injury that becomes evident later.

Pedestrian Accidents

We fight relentlessly to protect the interests of pedestrians. In most situations, a pedestrian is an innocent bystander who’s been the victim of the actions of a careless driver. We will always seek maximum compensation for these accidents.

Bicycle Accidents

Bicyclists are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to vehicle accidents. They don’t have the protection of an automobile, but sometimes they’re traveling at comparable speeds (this is also true for motorcycles).

For this reason, it’s important to work with a personal injury attorney who can represent you aggressively.


Dangerous Drugs

Sadly, adverse side effects from legally prescribed drugs are a leading cause of death in the United States.

These drugs can also lead to long-term health conditions, and the list of these cases is tragically long.

If you’ve had an adverse reaction to a drug that you’ve been prescribed, contact us for help.

Catastrophic Injuries

Any injury is unwelcome, but catastrophic injuries can affect your quality of life for years, and even forever.

A catastrophic injury means that you’ve lost a vital part of yourself. It could be the loss of a limb or losing your eyesight or hearing.

These injuries also include brain damage. If you or a loved one has been injured in this way, we can help.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death claims are the most difficult from an emotional standpoint. Money cannot replace a person’s life, and it is a sensitive topic to negotiate.

We approach these cases with sympathy and care. We understand that you are grieving, and we aim to do whatever we can to make your life easier during this time while securing compensation for your pain and expenses.


State Of Georgia Statute Of Limitations On Personal Injury

Most personal injury claims in the State of Georgia must be filed within two years of the accident or date of death involved in the case. Otherwise, the court may invalidate your claim. That’s why it’s important to contact an experienced Austell personal injury Lawyer to start building your case. Time is of the essence!

Contact an Accident Lawyer at the Law Offices of Matthew C. Hines Today

Many people in need hesitate to contact a law firm because they’re afraid of the cost. We want you to know that at Hines Law, we work on a contingency basis. This means that you don’t have to pay us a cent until you receive a settlement. This way, we’re able to provide expert legal representation to clients who may be experiencing severe setbacks with medical bills, missed work, and paychecks, not to mention suffering through pain and emotional turmoil.

Contact us today to review the facts of your case. We can evaluate your claim and give you an estimate of what we think your case could be worth.

You can fill out our contact form below or give our Austell, Georgia office a call at  (770) 874-1754.


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